站场阳极地床的布置Layout of anode ground bed in the station










    Layout of anode ground bed in the station

    1. The pipeline in the station should be installed overhead and not in contact with the soil.
    2. The grounding electrode in the station shall be connected to the process pipe network through the AC / DC isolation device (such as equipotential connector, DC decoupler, polarity drain, etc.).
    3. It is recommended to adopt distributed anode or linear anode for station area protection. The anode shall be installed opposite to the grounding electrode and away from the grounding electrode as far as possible. The anode current in deep wells is evenly distributed and has a wide range of influence, but sometimes the protection effect is not good, often causing cathodic interference to pipelines outside the station.
    4. When the grounding electrode is directly connected to the pipe network, due to the shielding of the grounding electrode to the cathodic protection current, most of the cathodic protection current will reach the pipeline through the grounding electrode and then return to the negative electrode of the power supply, resulting in underprotection of the buried pipeline. When the grounding electrode is isolated from the pipeline, pay attention to the stray current interference corrosion caused by the cathodic protection current to the grounding electrode.
    5. The factor affecting the current distribution of cathodic protection is the anode ground bed position, which has nothing to do with the cathode confluence point position. The cathode line can be connected to the pipeline near the potentiostat, and the cathode line does not need to extend to the protected area.
    6. When the facilities in the station are connected with each other (the pipeline itself or through the grounding grid), they are equipotential bodies and do not need jumper wires (unless it is suspected that the contact resistance of individual flanges is too large).
    7. In the station, sacrificial anode can be used to replace the grounding electrode, or impressed current auxiliary anode can also be used as the grounding electrode. When the auxiliary anode is used as the grounding electrode, the anodes shall be connected with cables, and lightning arresters or other high-voltage conduction devices shall be installed between the anodes and the process equipment.
    8. The cathode line and the zero line can be connected to the pipeline in the station at any position in the station, not necessarily to the ground bed.


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