B23G110宝武矽钢片 23RK085硅钢片10kg起售

    The product is olso named as electric heat homeohtermal cell (bac-teral) incubator. which is applicable for cultivation. germinat-ion. fermentation and other kinds of homeothermal experiments in the R&D and production depafiments in the field of medical treat-ment and health medtcine industry. biochemistry and agriculture sciences. stc.
       Construction  features:
        *Double-glass observation port of outer door makes it convenient for observation of culture conditions insinde. The four angles of the work room inside sre designed into arc shapes for convenient cleaning.
         *Heating mode:after the humidifier being switched off. the water temperature inside the chamber is increase. making the room tempera-ture reach the settings. The water insulation heating mode make water temperature uniform. and preserve relatively longer time constant afier switching off the power supply.    
        *The temperature control has 2 models.e.g.digital display and cursor model. which can be freely selected Digital display intellectuai temperature controller has functio-ns of PID automatic setting and dual LED digital display. multiple controlling param-eter setting and control functions for alarmjng and automatically switching off to make the temperature control more accurate.
       主要技术指标: Primary technical indexes:
        * 控 温 范 围: Temperature contral scope  :     RT+3 ℃-65℃  
        * 温 度 波 动:  Temperature flctuation  :             ±0.5℃
        * 温度均匀性:   Temperature contral  :               ± 1 ℃
        * 额定功率(KW):Rated power (KW)  :              0.73
        * 电 压 /  电 源:  Voltage / powe  :               220V±10%   /  50HZ+2%
        * 工作室尺寸(cm):Size of work room ( cm )  :   60×60×75
        * 外形尺寸(cm):Outine Size ( cm )  :                74×73.5×109.5
        * 包装尺寸(cm): Package Size ( cm )  :              88×86×126
        * 净重/毛重(Kg): Net /gross weight ( kg )  :       88  /  129


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