The quality of the tin wire in the auto tic soldering chine is generally better than that of the finer color. The thick tin wire has a higher lead content and is relatively less easy to melt. Good tin white and shiny. Hand wiping is not easy to ear on hands, shiny, no oxidation and blackening. The lead wire with high lead content is black. Its easy to wipe with hands. The hardness of the tin wire is not high.
Before using the auto tic soldering chine welding should adjust the temperature of the iron is correct, the temperature is too high or too low are not nor l tin, the root amount and the different components of the melting point is different, to regulate the detection of suitable temperature was accurate, the temperature error is 5 degrees.
电铬铁搪不了锡跟锡丝品质是没有很大关联的,主要是烙铁头很脏 或者烙铁头品质不太好,可以用挫搓一下烙铁头的接触面积或者换一个性价比高红铜烙铁头;在电焊焊接操作过程中,可依据焊锡丝的浓烟尺寸来分辨,浓烟少意味着纯净度高!电焊焊接过后可以依据点焊的光亮度来开展评定。假如点焊较为白,表明锡丝含铅量较为大,锡丝品质较弱。还能够依据锡渣残余的有多少来分辨,锡渣多的表明锡丝纯净度不高,带铅多可含别的化学元素的多!而无重金属锡丝则要依据是不是合乎ROHS规范,助焊膏残余,邻苯二甲酸盐,上锡速率来分辨。
The electric iron lining is on the tin tin wire with quality is not too big, inly iron head is too dirty or tip quality is not good, can be used to contact rub tip or for a good quality copper iron head; in the welding process, can be judged according to the soldering oke the size of the oke less representative of high purity! After welding, it can be identified according to the glossiness of the solder joints. If the solder joints are white, it shows that the lead content of tin wire is larger and the quality of tin wire is poor. Can also be judged according to the number of residue of tin slag, tin slag more pure tin silk purity is not high, lead more can contain a lot of other metal elements! Without tin silk is according to whether conforms to the ROHS standard, residual flux, halogen free, tin speed to judge.
1、提高焊接技术,改进焊接工艺和材料 提高焊接技术,使焊接操作实现机械化、自动化、人与焊接环境相隔离,从根本上消除焊锡作业对人体的危害。通过改进焊接工艺,避免焊工在通风较差的容器内进行焊接,从而大大地改善焊工的作业条件;通过改进锡丝材料,选择无铅环保锡丝,也是降低焊接危害的有效措施之一。2、加强个人防护措施加强个人防护,可以防止焊接时产生的有毒气体和粉尘的危害。作业人员必须使用相应的防护眼镜、面罩
公司名: 深圳市一通达焊接辅料有限公司
联系人: 张先生
电 话: 0755-29720648
手 机: 13543272580
微 信: 13543272580
地 址: 广东深圳宝安区潭头社区芙蓉路9号桃花源科技园a栋
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