伟大的柏拉图同志指出,万物的本质并非可以看得见摸得着的那个实物本身,而是存于人内心的理念。正是这一理念才繁衍出万物的实体(大概意思),这种的唯心主义真是太荒诞了,可是却较为深刻的指出了人类创造活动的本质,并且在智力行业里有奇效。好的设计师总是在心里先造出那个**的设计,然后安排实习生把它画出来,施工队再根据图纸建出来。这有句古话叫"胸有成竹"。前面我们说到,对实物的感觉无法复制,只能是用符号媒介代替,来传达感觉。柏拉图的理念,正是类似的逻辑:某一物体的本质只存在于理念中,我们可以造出实例,但只是一个符号物,无法真正表达出**的理念。不过通过这些实例,另一个有共同理念的人是能够理解并看到实物背后的纯粹理念的。这里理念据说原文就是idea, 现在西方建筑教学喜欢讲idea说不好跟这个有关。理念--实物--图形,这是表达的食物链。图形用于表达实物,实物为了体现理念,那么可不可以用图形直接表达理念呢?
Project name: agricultural ecological leisure culture industrial park. Construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 2210 mu, the construction of ecological agricultural area of 1800 mu (quality walnut 900 mu, the four seasons picking area 300 Chinese acres, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) area of 200 mu, rare plant area of 150 mu, corporate farms 150 acres, vegetable growing area of 50 mu, seven-color flower valley 40 acres, fishpond 10 acres), culture health leisure service area of 410 mu (main farm, family farm, construction enterprise health fitness area, ecological restaurant, wedding photography base, parent-child garden and outdoor development zone), form a complete set of construction of roads and irrigation facilities and related infrastructure. The construction of agricultural cultivation, catering, amusement, fishing harvest, culture, health and the primary and middle school students quality education for the integration of multi-function ecological leisure agriculture sightseeing park.
Project name: annual output of 200000 tons of pure water, beverage items. The project content: the total investment of 99.99 million yuan, covers an area of 73.134 mu, the construction of pure water, beverage production line 3 and yard, warehouse, office building, etc. Technology: purified water, raw water to quartz sand filtration and activated carbon filter, precision filter - > security to reverse oosis filtration to ozone sterilization, filling, labeling, printing, packaging and palletizing and warehousing; Beverages: plant proteins (such as pulp) concentrate (pulp) to allocate to sterilization, filling, printing, packaging and palletizing and warehousing. The main production equipment: water treatment system, distribution system, sterilization, filling units, homogenizer, bottle blowing machine, filling machine.
Project name: disc springs and wetland ecological construction project for the prevention and control of water pollution. The project content: the total investment of 500 million yuan, mainly to detour agglomeration OuDePan springs for comprehensive prevention and control of water pollution and wetland ecological restoration, construction general 12 km river and wetland ecological construction engineering, the content including clean demolition of disc springs along the farming village, implementation of point and non-point source along sewage and pollution control, river dredging, coast sewage engineering, green lighting project, wetland restoration and construction projects, such as ecosystem restoration project. Construction scale: the construction of the 12 km river and wetland ecological construction engineering.
Project name: construction waste resource recovery given center project, the construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 150 mu, total construction area of about 15900 square meters, the proed workshop about 13500 square meters, is used for the construction of a construction waste crushing screening line, six automatic production line for recycled concrete block, a ready-mixed mortar production line, a concrete water stable production line. Office area about 1500 square meters, dormitory and restaurant is about 900 square meters. Technological process: the recycled aggregates in the construction waste, coarse crushing, crushing, fine grinding, classification (in addition to the soil, in addition to the noise, noise reduction); Ready-mixed mortar process: raw material (recycled fine aggregate, cement, sand and additive) - ingrents, mixing, finished-product stock - bulk machine installed (bag); Recycled concrete block process: raw material (recycled fine aggregate, cement, sand and additive) - ingrents - block - maintenance - finished products; Main equipment are forklift truck, crusher, dust collector, in addition to iron, screening machine, pump, mixer, dryer, back tank car, block machine, belt conveyor.
Project name: annual output of 1200 tons of ceramic grinding wheel and high precision polishing wheel (above 450 mm in diameter), construction project, the construction of main contents: the project is to rent the original area of 7.8 mu, the annual output of 1200 tons of proed construction ceramic grinding wheel and high precision polishing wheel (above 450 mm in diameter), the production line. Technology: outsourcing of raw materials (ceramic particles) - mixing - hydraulic press processing - fire molding - check - packaging. Major equipment: automatic mixing pot, four-column hydraulic press, furnace, etc.
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RDJTPY7 瑞鼎集团优势1、平民价格。值一提的是,面对林林总总的“代写”广告,差不多每一个都要您付出不菲的代价,对于创业中的个人或企业来说这可是一个不小的开支。为了替客户分忧,通过项目解构、五步分析等方法,我们在保证制作质量的基础上,较大地降低了商务文书的制作成本,成功地将制作价格降到全国低价!提供各类型各用途各别级的商务文书编制服务。2、贵族服务。事前热情答疑,事中随时勾通,事后免费修改。
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