UL 263建筑构件和材料-涵盖范围:
- These fire tests are applicable to assemblies of masonry units and to composite assemblies of structural materials for building, including bearing and other walls and partitions, columns, girders, beams, slabs and composite slab and beam assemblies for floors and roofs, they are also applicable to other assemblies and structural units that constitute permanent integral parts of a finished building.
- The classifications for building construction and materials are intended to register performance during the period of fire exposure and are not intended to be interpreted as having determined their acceptability for use after fire exposure.
- These requirements are intended to evaluate the length of time that the types of assemblies specified in1.1 will contain a fire or retain their structural integrity, or both, dependent upon the type of assembly involved, during a predetermined test exposure. the test evaluates the assembly's resistance to teat. and in some instances to a hose stream. while carrying an applied load, if the assembly is load bearing.
- Under these requirements a specimen is subjected to a standard fire exposure controlled to achieve specified temperatures throughout a specified time period. In some instances ,the fire exposure may be followed by the application of a specified standard fire hose stream. This exposure by itself may not be representative of all fire conditions; conditions may vary with changes in the amount, nature, and distribution of fire loading, ventilation, compartment size and configuration, and heat sink characteristics of the compartment. These requirements provide a relative measure of fire performance of comparable assemblies under these specified fire exposure conditions. Any variation from the construction or conditions that are tested such as size. method of assembly, and materials ,may substantially change the performance characteristics of the assembly.
UL 263建筑构件和材料-标准概述:
CAN/ULC-S127:standard corner wall method of test for flammability characteristics of Non-melting foam plastic building materials.
该可燃性测试方法适用于暴露于火源中不熔化的某些小密度绝缘材料(参考附录A)。它是根据火焰蔓延分类来评估泡沫塑料的可燃性,在建筑材料或构件的表面燃烧特性的测试方法,需要使用计算公式FSV = 92.5 d/t,公式中”d”& “t”为必要参数.
BS 5803-3住房的斜屋顶空间的隔热规范-标准名称:
BS 5803-3:Thermal insulation for use in pitched roof spaces in dwellings - part2:Specification for cellulose fibre thermal insulation for application by blowing.
BS 5803-3:住房的斜屋顶空间的隔热-喷吹的纤维素纤维隔热规范
BS 5803-3住房的斜屋顶空间的隔热规范-标准范围:
BS 5803本部分规范了纤维素纤维隔热安装在住房的斜屋顶空间的要求。
广分检测技术(苏州)有限公司专注于FDA认证,ZDHC检测认证,安全帽检测,防护服检测,江苏防霉检测,江苏抗菌检测,皮肤致敏检测,生物降解检测,生物相容性检测等, 欢迎致电 18662248593
数要求高的环境中工作。通过43KV测试,正常工作在660V的状态下。 安全带的检验周期为:每次使用安全带之前,必须进行认真的检查。对新安全带使用两年后进行抽查试验,旧安全带每隔6个月进行一次抽检。 防砸鞋耐冲击性能试验对应设备YP0125安全鞋冲击试验机。 浸水。安全帽样品完全浸没在(20?2)?的水槽里3h,使用的水为新鲜的自来水。,可用青岛众邦仪器有限公司与业生产的安全帽浸水测试仪。 防砸鞋
口罩在哪做检测?广分检测检测中心可对口罩进行检测,包括防霾口罩,n95口罩,劳防口罩,pm2.5口罩,儿童口罩,外科口罩,无纺布口罩等,是内专业第三方口罩检测机构,检测项目包括过滤效率检测,质量检测,密合度,气密性,活性炭成分检测,微生物检测等, 是具备CMA资质认证的口罩检测机构,可出具专业口罩检测报告。 检测范围:防霾口罩,n95口罩,劳防口罩,pm2.5口罩,儿童口罩,外科口罩,无纺布口罩
呼口罩泄漏性测试设备用于检测呼口罩和防护面具的过滤效率及防护效果。设备参照GB2626-2006标准要求制作。 呼口罩泄漏性测试参数: 1、NaCl发生气量:大于100L/min 2、NaCl颗粒物浓度10±2mg/m³ 3、油性颗粒物发生气量:大于100L/min 4、油性颗粒物浓度:20~30mg/m³ 呼口罩泄露性测试方法: 1、准备被测样品,并安装好采样管,采样管的安装位置应尽可能接近使
公司名: 广分检测技术(苏州)有限公司
联系人: 周志琴
电 话: 18662248593
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公司名: 广分检测技术(苏州)有限公司
联系人: 周志琴
手 机: 18662248593
电 话: 18662248593
地 址: 江苏苏州吴中区孙武路76号万耀产业园303室
邮 编:
网 址: jsgfjc.b2b168.com