The International Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Congress 2019

    The International Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Congress 2019 ( shanghai )
    Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the Universe, is an energy carrier that can be produced from a variety of sources - such as renewable biomass and intermittent solar, wind and hydro energies. This versatility enables hydrogen the potential to become a central integrating element, alongside electricity, in the future decentralized energy systems.
    On the technology front, fuel cells are devices that generate electricity from a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, with only by-product water. Clean and efficient, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) hold great promise for sustainable mobility and meeting the Paris Agreement.
     Since its launch in 2014, this annual Congress has seen growing influence and brought together global business leaders and technology developers at the vanguard of HFC innovation and sustainable transportation.
    The event will invite the leaders of the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration of Markets, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other relevant units, as well as local government leaders in Shanghai, well-known experts at well-known universities and research institutions at home and abroad, and senior executives at home and abroad. People from all walks of life will thoroughly discuss domestic and foreign policies and technological progress in related fields such as green energy and other aspects from policies, standards, innovative technologies and methods, practical experience and case studies, and will exchange information and share experiences.
    Date: December 05-06, 2019
    City: Shanghai, China
    Location: Renaissance Shanghai Pudong
    Exhibition content: fuel cell parts, fuel cell system, DC/DC, hydrogen storage bottle, air filtration system, air compressor, fuel cell bipolar plate glue solution, hydrogen circulation pump and ejector, test equipment, testing /Monitoring equipment (testing, production equipment), membrane electrode spraying equipment (testing, production equipment), production line integration, hydrogenation equipment, hydrogen production equipment, high pressure hydrogen special flowmeter, precision flow measurement and control, hydrogen purification equipment (hydrogen production) Equipment), hydrogen gas pipeline instrumentation tube valve parts, vehicle manufacturing operations, consulting services, software and data services, research and development.
    Time Activities Location  
    December 05 : The Opening Ceremony	
    (1)Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Key Technology Forum
    (2)Hydrogen Energy Industry Infrastructure Development Forum
    (3)Hydrogen Safety and Hydrogen Detection Technology Forum
    (4)Hydrogen Energy Application and Practice Case Forum
    (5)Cell Vehicle Policy and Industrialization Forum


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