
    Shaoxing: An Oriental Venice
    Shaoxing lies to the south of the Qiantang River on the Ningbo-Shaoxing plain with a warm climate and fertile soil. Rich in natural resources, it has long been known as a land of fish and rice It is also known as an Oriental Venice” or a City of Bridges”, for it abounds in rivers and lakes.
    With a long history, Shaoxing is a famous cultural city in China- Legend has it that after Yu the Great brought the floodwaters under control, he came here to meet the local feudal lords who were rewarded according to their contributions. Later, Yu happened to die here and was buried on the spot. After that event, the place was named Kuaiji” which in Chinese means reward people according to their merits.” During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) and the Period of Warring States (475-221 BC), the State of Yue made this place its capital.
    Shaoxing is located on the terrain where the hills and the plain meet, and the plain is crisscrossed with rivers and dotted with lakes, creating beautiful landscapes with the green hills around- The city is known for its gorgeous watery scenery. Tourists may enjoy the beauty of the rural scenery in a black tarpaulin- covered boat rowed along the river accompanied by the sound of singing. Neai'by you can see watercourses, boats and banks, and in the distance, the fields, villages and hills, all of which seems to be floating on water. Here and there the river is spanned by stone bridges of classical beauty and primitive simplicity under which boats come and go. Most charming and beautiful is the scene of green hills and blue waters, each shining more brilliantly in the other's company. 
    While boating under the cliffs on East Lake, you may acquire the wonderful experience of having a very narrow view of the sky as if you were looking upwards from the bottom of a well. 
    In the scenic spot named Houshan Hill, you can't help admiring the magnificent feats accomplished by the quarrymen while facing the grotesquely shaped stones that resulted from quarrying in ancient times. One wonderful stone is called the Cloud-touching Stone, which looks like a stone pillar rising high abruptly from the ground to touch the clouds, or like smoke rising up to the clouds in the sky. The other is the Chessboard Stone on which immortals were believed to play chess. 
    Places of historical interest in the suburbs include the Mausoleum of Yu the Great, Incense Burner Peak, Qinwang Hill, Lanting, or the Orchard Pavilion, the grotesque Rocks in Keqiao, and the ancient track road, or the towing -bridge, to name just a few. All this adds more charm and beauty to the watery region that tourists love to visit.
    Shaoxing also boasts many historical sites and cultural relics, giving the unique views to this ancient city.
    In the urban districts, you can visit former residences and cultural relics of famous historical figures, including the former residence of Chou Enlai's ancestors, the Lu Xun Museum, the Qiu Jin Memorial Hall, the former residence of Cai Yuanpei, the former residence of Xu Wei, called the Green Cane Studio ”, the former residence of Lu You, a patriotic poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Stone in memory of the King of the State of Yue at the Sleeping Dragon Hill, the Dashan Pagoda, or Pagoda of Great Mercy, and Xuantingkou in the downtown of the city, the site where 1911 Revolutionary Martyr Qiu Jin was executed.
    一般是介绍城市的自然景观和人文景观。在介绍自然景观时, 撰稿者老是免不了使用一些四字组“套话”, 如“土地肥沃, 物产丰富”、“鱼米之乡”、“水乡泽国”、“山川秀丽”等。在介绍人文景观时, 提到历史人物或历史事件时, 又不作任何交待, 好像读者( 包括中外读者) 个个都精通中国历史或地方志似的。翻译这类文章, 必须要以英语读者为对象, 作一番编辑加工工作。人称好的翻译必须也是个好编辑, 这话是有道理的。因为原作的撰稿人, —般只以中国读者为对象, 即使他们在写对外宣传的文章时, 也很少考虑到以外国的读者为对象。大连翻译公司小编认为要以译入语读者为对象。在翻译风景描写时, 尽量用译入语改写, 运用合乎译入语习惯的表达方式; 在翻译人文景观时, 需补充作一些历史背景介绍。这种补充, 可作解释性翻译, 直接放在译文中, 必要时也可加注。
    另外, 在介绍景观时, 汉英两种文体上也有差别。汉语较多的是着重客观的描写; 英语的介绍比较人性化, 行文往往告诉读者, 如果你到这些地方旅游, 你可以看到什么, 你可以做什么, 你可以品尝哪些美食, 等等。因此, 大连翻译公司建议在译文中也转换了视角, 更多的是从旅游者的角度来描述。


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