大连翻译公司分享经典表达clamour for 要求、叫嚣 If people are clamouring for something, they are demanding it in a noisy or angry way. 强烈要求 以下是大连翻译公司经典例句! competing parties clamouring for the attention of the voter. 竞争党派大声疾呼以吸引选民的关注。 利用疫情搞“去**化”,鼓吹所谓“经济脱钩”、“平行体系”,较终只会损害本国和各国共同利益。 The practice of using the pandemic to pursue “de-globalization” or clamor for “economic decoupling” and “parallel systems” will end up hurting one’s own interests and the common interests of all. 人类社会已经进入21世纪,人类文明也已经发展到很高程度,如果现在还鼓吹甚至制造文明冲突,就是开历史的倒车。 We are already in the 21st century and the human civilization is quite advanced. If anyone is trying to clamor for or even to create the clash of civilizations, he is trying to reverse the wheels of history. 有些人不遗余力地把中国渲染成美国的主要对手,炒作中美关系难以逃脱所谓“修昔底德陷阱”、“文明冲突陷阱”,甚至鼓吹要与中国全面“脱钩”。 Some people are using every means to depict China as a major adversary, marketing their prophecy that the relationship is doomed to fall into the Thucydides Trap or the Clash of Civilizations Trap, and they even clamor for a full "decoupling" with China. 鼓吹“文明冲突论”的人,心灵深处恐怕残留着某种西方文明优越论的潜意识。 For those who clamored for clash of civilizations, subconsciously they still believe in the superiority of Western civilizations. 现在,南海的温度已经很高了,已有人在叫喊什么“今夜*”了,如果任由温度上升,可能发生意外,甚至把整个南海搞乱,进而把亚洲搞乱! The temperature of the South China Sea is now high enough. Some people even clamored for “fight tonight”. If such momentum went unchecked, accidents could happen and the South China Sea might sink into chaos and so might the entire Asia. 有些同志不顾此时此地的具体条件,空嚷发展。 Some comrades who disregard the specific conditions here and now are setting up an empty clamour for development.
大连翻译公司学习飞机上常用韩语短语 비 행 기 가 곧 이 육하겠 습니 다./飞机快要起飞了。 오득 자리에 앉아 쥬세요/请大家都坐下。 안전벨트롤 매 쥬세요/请系好安全带。 테이블을접어 쥬세요/请把桌子折起来。 모득 휴대폰의 전원을 꺼 주세요./请大家招手机关掉。 기류 뻐뮨에 조금 흔들릴 즉 있습니다./因为气流可乱有点摇晃。 위험하니까일어서지 마세요./危险,请不要站起来。
出入境美国 根据美国入境管理法,只要不使用有效的**签证与有效的母国护照,*居民就不能进入美国。美国绿卡只要在离开美国一年内,绿卡本身可以作为有效的入境签证使用,不需要向美国大**和领事馆申请其他签证。如果*居民离开美国一年以上,在离境之前需申请回美证(Reentry Permit),作为入境的有效**签证,回美证有效期较多两年。因为入境管理法要求绿卡持有人离开美国必须是暂时性的离境,**过规定
大连翻译公司双语赏析敦煌月牙泉景点介绍! 甘肃省敦煌市以其博大精深的文化内涵而**于世,“敦,大也;煌,盛也。”盛大辉煌的敦煌有着悠久的历史,灿烂的文化!她位于甘肃、青海、新疆三省(区)的交汇点,东峙峰岩突兀的三危山,南枕气势雄伟的祁连山,西接浩瀚无垠的塔克拉玛干大沙漠,北靠嶙峋蛇曲的北塞山。面积3.12万平方公里,人口18万多,虽然全市经济主要以农业为主,但是旅游服务业仍是其支柱产业。 Dunh
大连翻译公司翻译如下:**常务会议强调,为了做好“六稳”工作,落实“六保”任务,要加大货币金融政策支持实体经济力度,帮助企业特别是中小微企业渡过难关,推动金融机构与企业共生共荣。 To advance stability on the six fronts and security in the six areas, the State Council's executive meeting u
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