大连翻译公司经典表达intertwine交织、紧密相连 if two or more things intertwine or are intertwined , they are twisted together so that they are very difficult to separate (使)缠结,缠绕在一起 a necklace of rubies intertwined with pearls 缠着珍珠的红宝石项链 to be or become very closely connected with sth/sb else 紧密相连 Their political careers had become closely intertwined. 他们的政治生涯已经紧密地结合在一起了。 当今世界正变得“越来越小”,各国利益和命运紧密相连。 In an increasingly “smaller” world, the interests and future of all countries are closely intertwined. 世界已经成为你中有我、我中有你的地球村,各国经济社会发展日益相互联系、相互影响。 The world has become a global village where our interests are intertwined and our economic and social progress interconnected. 经济**化背景下各经济体一荣俱荣、一损俱损,应该争取通过宏观经济政策协调,放大正面联动效应,防止和减少负面外溢效应。 With our economies all closely intertwined in economic globalization, we must amplify the positive effects of macro-economic policy coordination while preventing or reducing the negative spillovers. 恐怖主义、网络安全等威胁相互交织,为世界蒙上一层阴影。 The intertwined threats of terrorism and lack of cybersecurity, among others, have cast a dark shadow over the world. 美国党派政治、选票政治、金钱政治的诸多弊端相互交织,使得立法和行政机构难以在枪支管控问题上有所作为,任由事态持续恶化。 The intertwined drawbacks of party politics, election politics and money politics make it difficult for the legislative and executive authorities to do anything about gun control, only allowing the situation to deteriorate. 各种矛盾风险挑战源、各类矛盾风险挑战点是相互交织、相互作用的。 Potential problems, risks and challenges are intertwined and reinforce each other. **化时代各国利益深度交融。 The interests of all countries are closely intertwined in the era of globalization. **人民的命运**像今天这样紧紧相连。 The well-being of people in all countries has never been so closely intertwined as it is today. **利益深度交融,可谓安危与共、命运共连,一荣俱荣、一损俱损。 Given the level of intertwined interests between countries, our destinies are tied and we all stand to gain and lose together.
广义上的翻译策略是翻译研究中的核心论题。从翻译理论史来看,西方译论始于古罗马政治家西塞罗( Marcus Tullius Cicero),他是直译和意译二分法的理论**和意译法的倡导者;我国译论始自佛经翻译,支谦、玄奘等的理论见解多与“文”“质”之争相关,同样是关于翻译策略的讨论。从翻译理论角度看,据切斯特曼( Chesteman, 1997: 48)的说法,当前译论目标有三,**即为“描述译员在
大连翻译公司自省如何成为一名优秀的翻译 翻译无疑是一项技术含量高,又很有成就感的工作。大连翻译公司小编经常自我提问如何成为一名优秀的翻译?这里有一些行之有效的窍门,从实质上给你帮助。 • 热爱语言,特别是你自己的母语。并且手不释卷地持续学习。 • 学着写好原创的文章。 • 学习你感兴趣的语言,以及与该种语言相关的文化背景。 • 只把语言翻译成自己的母语。 • 选择一个你擅长的专业领域,并且预备对该
【合同范本翻译特点】 合同范本翻译一般是指对国际贸易中的合同、章程、条款的翻译。翻译国际贸易合同除了外语和汉语功底好、具备一定的翻译能力之外,还需要了解有关合同本身的专业知识和国际贸易、国际汇总、会计学、运输学、保险学、法学等 方面知识。要想成为合格的合同翻译者,译员必须认真研究学习合同范本和相关知识,并进行大量的合同翻译实践。 大连信雅达翻译公司能够提供专业的合同翻译翻译服务,同时大连信雅达翻译
中国人在回忆过往时,常说“往事历历在目”。“历历在目”,汉语成语,指远方的景物看得清清楚楚,或过去的事情清清楚楚地重现在眼前,可以翻译为“remain clear and distinct in one's mind; leap up vividly before the eyes; remember every detail as if before the eyes”。“历历”表示“清楚,分明
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