南京塑料粉尘爆炸检测 粉尘层着火温度检测

    e of dust cloud)、粉尘层着火温度(Minimum Ignition Temperature of dust layer)、粉尘云极限氧浓度(Limiting Oxygen Concentration)


    粉尘爆炸,粉尘爆炸可爆性筛选、粉尘云爆炸压力、粉尘云爆炸压力上升速率(Maximum rate of explosion pressure rise)、爆炸指数(Explosion index)、粉尘云较小爆炸浓度(Minimum Explosion Concentration)、也称:爆炸下限(LEL, Lower Explosion Limit)、粉尘云较小点火能量(Minimum Ignition Energy)、粉尘云着火温度(Minimum Ignition Temperature of dust cloud)、粉尘层着火温度(Minimum Ignition Temperature of dust layer)、粉尘云极限氧浓度(Limiting Oxygen Concentration)。



    GB/T 粉尘云爆炸压力和爆炸指数测定方法

    ISO 6184/1-1985 Determination of explosion indices of combustible dusts in air

    BS EN 14034-1:2004 Determination of the maximum explosion pressure Pmax of dust clouds

    BS EN 14034-2:2006 Determination of the maximum rate of explosion pressure (dp/dt)max of dust clouds

    ASTM E 1226-10 Standard test method for explosibility of dust clouds

    GB/T 粉尘云爆炸下限浓度测定方法

    BS EN 14034-3:2006 Determination of the lower explosion limit LEL of dust clouds

    ASTM E 1515-07 Standard test method for minimum explosible concentration of combustible dusts

    GB/T 粉尘云较小着火能量测定方法

    IEC 61241-2-3-1994 Test methods Section 3 Method for determining minimum ignition energy of dust air mixtures

    BS EN Determination of minimum ignition energy of dust/air mixtures

    ASTM E 2019-03(2007) Standard test method for minimum ignition energy of a dust cloud in air

    GB/T 粉尘云着火温度测定方法

    IEC 61241-2-1:1994 Test methods Section 1 Methods for determining the minimum ignition temperatures of dust

    BS EN 50281-2-1:1999 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust-Part 2-1: Test methods-Methods of determining minimum ignition temperatures

    ASTM E 1491-06 Standard test method for minimum autoignition temperature of dust clouds

    GB/T 粉尘层着火温度测定方法

    IEC 61241-2-1:1994 Test methods Section 1 Methods for determining the minimum ignition temperatures of dust

    BS EN 50281-2-1:1999 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust-Part 2-1: Test methods-Methods of determining minimum ignition temperatures

    ASTM E 2021-09 Standard test method for hot surface ignition temperature of dust layers

    广分检测技术(苏州)有限公司专注于FDA认证,ZDHC检测认证,安全帽检测,防护服检测,江苏防霉检测,江苏抗菌检测,皮肤致敏检测,生物降解检测,生物相容性检测等, 欢迎致电 18662248593

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公司名: 广分检测技术(苏州)有限公司

联系人: 周志琴

手 机: 18662248593

电 话: 18662248593

地 址: 江苏苏州吴中区孙武路76号万耀产业园303室

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