TURIAN中国总代理商:旋转接头 Rotating joints for air and hydraulic oil at high pressure. The rotor is made of hardened carbon steel and lapped for reducing friction torque. The seals are made of PTFE compound. The external body is machined from aluminium bar to avoid any porosity, while the alignment of unit is given by two self-lubricant bushing of pressed bronze. Stainless steel rotor for application with water on request. Two ways rotating joint for air and hydraulic oil at high pressure. The rotor is made of cemented steel and lapped for reducing friction. The seals are made of PTFE. The external body is machined from aluminium bar to avoid any porosity, while the alignment of unit is given by two self lubricant bushing of pressed bronze. This type is advised when two different fluids are used or the same fluid is used at different pressions. Two separate ways rotating joint for air and hydraulic oil at high pressure. The rotor is made of cemented steel and lapped for reducing friction. The seals are made of PTFE. The external body is machined from aluminium bar to avoid any porosity, while the alignment of unit is given by ball bearing and self lubricant bushing of pressed bronzeo There is a threaded hole in the external body to avoid flow from first to second way.
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公司名: 广东建业检测鉴定有限公司
联系人: 叶生
手 机: 13570880573
电 话: 13570880573
地 址: 广东深圳宝安区航城街道九围社区*二工业区21号新艺园区商业楼*二栋104
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