TCB Council Inc.
Sharing knowledge of regulatory compliance
TCBC for tomorrow's wireless world
URGENT-FCCArea ofConcern-AntennaGainnformation
The following urgent information has been provided bytheFCC
Any applications granted without the proper antenna information will be dismissed after 5business days of this email.The TCBs can reauest to have the application put in an audit status to update the antenna information.
This email is to bring to vour attention that while the FCC has been advising test labs and TCBs to make sure part 15 applications includes antenna gain information, in terms of data sheets and/or test reports.This information is evident by recent audits confirming this information was omitted.
We are still finding reports that state,"antenna gain information is declared by the manufacturer".with no other supporting information As we have re-iterated during the last TCB workshop.this statement will not suffice.All part 15 applications will need to show how the antenna gain was derived either from a manufacturer data sheet or a measurement.Where the gain of the antenna is inherently
accounted for as a result of the measurementexample such as a field strength measurement on a part 15.249 or 15.231 device.As a
result. the aain does not necessarilv need to be verified.Howeverenouah information reaardina the construction of the antenna shall
be provided.Such information maybe photographslength of wire antenna etc.
The antenna gain information shall be made public.Any proprietary information such as construction maybe stripped from the gain
information report and held confidential.The main antenna information we require is the maximum gain of the antenna for the band of operation.This information must be provided as a data sheet or a measurement report
哪里可以办理NCC认证,NCC认证一定要寄样闽台办理吗? 办理闽台NCC认证时间要多久
NCC认证简介一、NCC认证是什么NCC是闽台通讯传播**(The National Communications Commission ) 的简称,主要管控在闽台市场流通和使用的通信信息类设备:1. LPE:Low Power Equipment即低功率设备(例如:蓝牙、WIFI类设备);2. TTE:Telecommunications Terminal Equipment即通讯终端设备(例
亚马逊加拿大商家注意了!ISED是加拿大针对无线产品的认证,通常也被称为IC ID认证,产品一旦有无线功能的都需要提供,否则9月30日起,产品将强制下架!亚马逊加拿大站要求在9月30之前提供ISED认证,2022年8月11日,不少电子产品的亚马逊商家都收到了,亚马逊官方发来的邮件,里面的内容主要是关于ISED认证的,要求商家要在2022年9月30日前,提交相关ISED认证合规信息,否则会下架对应商
公司名: 深圳市宏测技术服务有限公司
联系人: 宁
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