TR CU 004/2011 TRCU certification Technical Regulations

    The technical regulation TR CU 004/2011 On safety of low-voltage equipment represents the minimum safety requirements for electrical equipment in order to protect life,health,property,and environmental as well as protecting consumers against misleading information.

    According the Technical Regulation TR CU 004/2011,electrical devices shall be designed and manufactured in such a way that when used as intended they protect against the following:




    mechanical injuries

    The products must comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulation TR CU 004/2011 On safety of low-voltage equipment in order to be placed on the Russian and Eurasian market.

    Although the requirements of the technical regulation TR CU 004/2011 have been coordinated with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU,they are not identical.

    Adopted on August 16,2011

    Came into force on February 15,2013

    As of 15 March 2015,the Technical Regulation TR CU 004/2011 finally definitively abolished the national standards of technical regulation such as GOST or the Russian TR in the territory of the Customs Union.

    Application area of TR CU 004/2011 On safety of low-voltage equipment

    The Technical Regulation TR CU 004/2011 applies to all low-voltage devices intended for an alternating current of 50 to 1000 volts and a direct current of 75 to 1500 volts.

    According to TR CU 004/2011 the following devices are subject to the EAC Certification:

    household electrical appliances

    personal electronic data processing machines

    devices that can be connected to electronic data processing machines

    electrical tools

    electronic musical instruments


    automatic and safety switches

    electrical distribution

    electrical control units

    According to TR CU 004/2011 the following devices are subject to the EAC Declaration:

    All low-voltage devices which are not listed in the list of certification-compliant devices are subject to the mandatory EAC Declaration.

    According to TR CU 004/2011 a conformity assessment is not necessary for:

    ATEX equipment

    medical equipment

    electrical equipment of elevators

    military technology

    control units for electric pasture fences

    electrical equipment for use in air,water and ground transportation

    electrical equipment for safety systems of nuclear power plants of reactor plants

    It is important to take into consideration that whether or not the devices are subject to conformity assessment according to the TR CU 004/2011,they might be subject to other directives,such as TR EAEU 037/2016 On the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment,TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and equipment or TR CU 020/2011 On electromagnetic compatibility of technical devices.

    Conformity assessment process

    The conformity assessment with the requirements of the Technical Regulation TR CU 004/2011 On safety of low-voltage equipment occurs in the following forms:

    EAC Declaration

    EAC Certification

    At the request of the manufacturer the EAC declaration can be replaced at by an EAC certification.

    浙江荣仪达信息技术服务有限公司专注于俄罗斯计量认证,海关联盟医疗器械注册证,EAC认证,海关联盟防火认证,海关联盟OTTC认证,俄罗斯GOST认证等, 欢迎致电 18914071275

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    俄罗斯防火证书是一种许可证,用于确认进口/制造的产品符合防火安全要求(符合阻燃效率、耐火性、烟雾和气体渗透性、火焰蔓延等)。消防安全领域需进行强制认证的产品清单载于2008年7月22日*123号联邦法*146条。消防证书仅在俄罗斯联邦境内具有法律效力。颁发消防证书所需文件清单:1、产品规格(目录、描述);2、产品范围;3、ISO 9001质量体系证书(如有);4、申请人公司的注册文件;5、技术条件

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