SLM500Micro-Reactor Senlong SLM series miniature high pressure reaction vessel products in the design and development, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, inspection of manufacture are strictly at every stage, ensure each reactor has a high usability and security. At the same time, BeiJing century Senloang laboratory instruments company Technical Department would like to train a professional technology services team to provide users the perfect quality of pre-sales technical advice, technical communication with customers, provide selection assistance; At the same time, BeiJing century Senloang laboratory instruments company Technical Department would like to train a professional technology services team to provide users the perfect quality of pre-sales technical advice, technical communication with customers, provide selection assistance; Series SLM Micro-Reactor System Specifications Senlong SLM series compact reactor, the whole structure simple and reliable, economical, durable, accessories complete, comes standard with the original Germany imported DC micro motors, pressure gauge, explosion-proof fittings, inlet valves, sampling valves, temperature probe, can facilitate the realization of micro reaction test. Kettle, heater can be completely separated. Great convenience the reactor removal work, improve work efficiency. Series SLM Micro-Reactor System Specifications Model Number SLM10 SLM25 SLM50 SLM100 SLM250 SLM500 Sizes, mL 10 25 50 100 250 500 Maximum Pressure(MAWP) 1421 psi (10Mpar) Maximum Temperature 250 °C with PTFE Liner 180 °C Constant temp Accuracy ±1 °C Reactor Mounting Bench Top Rotation Speed 0-1200rpm Electrical Supply Volts, AC 220V,50Hz Motor Power(W) 50 50 50 80 80 80 Reactor Dimensions Width, mm 250 Height,mm 250 Depth, mm 455 Weight, kg 20 21 22 23 24 25 Materials of Construction 316L Stainless Steel, Alloy TA2, Alloy C-276, Nickel Alloy, Zirconium materials Other options available. Please call for more information. Beijing Century Senlong experimental equipment Co., Ltd.
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做概念性规划设计就找金兰解工(2020年10月3) 信阳专业做概念性规划设计公司/概念性规划设计以客为尊金兰案例: 信阳项目建议书、可研报告、实施方案 金兰工程中心介绍:可行性研究报告金兰较具*,作为投资决策前必不可少的关键环节,可行性研究报告是在**阶段的项目建议书审批通过的基础上,主要对项目市场、技术、财务、工程、经济和等方面进行,金兰JINZX2348-01,完备无遗的分析
公司名: 河南金兰工程管理有限公司
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