3706A TRICONEX厦门源真在代理供应 厦门源真在自动化,专业销售大型进口各种品牌:【DCS】【PLC】【Servo】【HM I】【IPC】系统模块备件,在亚洲地区真正备有仓存,直接供货,拥有一手货源,一手价格,**具有竞争力: Anybus X- Gateway网关,ABB MOD 300 ,ABB MasterView 850, ABB Bailey INFI 90 ,ALSTOM,FISHER ,FISHER & Porter, FOXBORO I/A ,Honeywell TDC2000/3000 ,L&N,MAX1000 , MOTOROLA ,Rosemount RS3,RELIANCE ,Siemens Moore APACS , TELEPERM C ,Siemens Simatic S5/S7,Yokogawa Centum XL, ALLEN & BRADLLY ,B&R ,GE FUNUC,HITACHI,Mitsubishi OMRON , Motorola MVME,TOSHIBA ,YASKAWA. 工控模组,库存丰富,交货快,供有技术支援与紧急修服务,欢迎来电查询。公司以“为客户创造价值是我们永远追求的目标”为宗旨。 TRICONEX Module Chassis Assemblies: 8110 Main Chassis, High-Density Configuration, includes the Tricon printed manuals 8111 Expansion Chassis, High-Density Configuration 8121 Expansion Chassis, Enhanced Low-Density Configuration 8112 Remote Expansion Chassis, High-Density Configuration 9000 I/O Bus Expansion Cables 9001 I/O-COMM Bus Expansion Cables 8105 Blank I/O Slot Panel Power Modules: 8310 120 VAC/VDC – 175-Watt Power Module 8311 24 VDC – 175-Watt Power Module 8312 230 VAC – 175-Watt Power Module Main Processor Modules: 3008 3008 Main Processor, 16 megabytes DRAM 4351A Tricon Communication Module (TCM), Ethernet (802.3) and serial (RS-232/RS-485) ports 4352A Tricon Communication Module (TCM), Ethernet (802.3) and serial (RS-232/RS-485) ports 4351B Tricon Communication Module (TCM), Ethernet (802.3) and serial (RS-232/RS-485) ports 4352B Tricon Communication Module (TCM), Ethernet (802.3) and serial (RS-232/RS-485) ports 4353 Tricon Communication Module (TCM), Ethernet (802.3) and serial (RS-232/RS-485) ports 4354 Tricon Communication Module (TCM), Ethernet (802.3) and serial (RS-232/RS-485) ports 4119 Enhanced Intelligent Communication Module (EICM), serial (RS-232/RS-422/RS-485) ports 4119A Enhanced Intelligent Communication Module (EICM), serial (RS-232/RS-422/RS-485) ports 4409 Safety Manager Module (SMM), Honeywell UCN Interface 4329G Network Communication Module (NCM), Ethernet (802.3) ports 4329 Network Communication Module (NCM), Ethernet (802.3) ports 4609 Advanced Communication Module (ACM), Foxboro I/A Series Nodebus Interface 4509 Hiway Interface Module (HIM), Honeywell Data Hiway Interface 7523-2 Triconex DDE Server Software 7600-3 Network Accessory Kit (Ethernet thin cable, connectors and terminators) Remote Extender Modules: 4200-3 Primary RXM, Multi-Mode Fiber Optics, Set of 3 Modules 4201-3 Remote RXM, Multi-Mode Fiber Optics, Set of 3 Modules 4210-3 Primary SRXM, Single-Mode Fiber Optics, Set of 3 Modules 4211-3 Remote SRXM, Single-Mode Fiber Optics, Set of 3 Modules Interface Modules: 2770H HART Analog Input Interface Module with 2071H HART Multiplexer 2750-2H HART Analog Input Interface Module with 2071H HART Multiplexer and Amp-Elco Adapter Cable 2870H HART Analog Output Interface Module with 2071H HART Multiplexer 2071H HART Multiplexer Digital Input Modules: 3501E 115 VAC/VDC Opto-Isolated, Non-Commoned 3501T 115 VAC/VDC Opto-Isolated, Non-Commoned 3502E 48 VAC/VDC Commoned in Groups of 8, Self-Test 3503E 24 VAC/VDC Commoned in Groups of 8, Self-Test 3504E 24/48 VDC High-Density, DC Coupled 3505E 24 VDC Low Threshold with Self-test, Commoned 3564 24 VDC Single, Opto-Isolated, Commoned 3511 Pulse Input Differential, AC Coupled 3515 Pulse Totalizer Opto-isolated, Non-commoned Digital Output Modules : 3601E 115 VAC Opto-Isolated, Non-commoned 3601T 115 VAC Opto-Isolated, Non-commoned 3603B 120 VDC Opto-Isolated, Non-commoned 3603E 120 VDC Opto-Isolated, Commoned 3603T 120 VDC Opto-Isolated, Commoned 3604E 24 VDC Opto-Isolated, Non-commoned 3607E 48 VDC Opto-Isolated, Non-commoned 3611E 115 VAC Galvanically Isolated, Commoned., Supv. 3617E 48 VDC Galvanically Isolated, Commoned, Supv. 3623 120 VDC Opto-Isolated, Commoned, Supervised 3623T 120 VDC Opto-Isolated, Commoned, Supervised 3624 24 VDC Opto-Isolated, Commoned, Supervised 3625 24 VDC Supervised/Non-Supervised, Commoned 3664 24 VDC Opto-Isolated, Commoned 3674 24 VDC Opto-Isolated, Commoned 3636R Relay Output Non-triplicated, Normally Open 3636T Relay Output Non-triplicated, Normally Open Analog Input Modules: 3700A 0-5 VDC Differential, DC Coupled 3701 0-10 VDC Differential, DC Coupled 3703E 0-5, 0-10 VDC Differential, Isolated 3704E 0-5, 0-10 VDC High-Density, Differential, DC Coupled 3706A Thermocouple Differential, DC Coupled 3708E Thermocouple Differential, Isolated 3720 0–5 VDC Single-Ended 3721 0 to 5 or –5 to +5 VDC Differential, DC Coupled Analog Output Modules : 3805E 4-20 mA Current Loop, DC Coupled 3805H 4-20 mA Current Loop, DC Coupled 3806E 4-20 mA and 20-320 mA Current Loop, DC Coupled 3807 –60 to 60 mA BiPolar, Commoned Return, DC Coupled TRICONEX TRICONEX 2551-1 TRICONEX 2651-1 TRICONEX 2750-2 TRICONEX PARTS LIST: PART NUMBER Q'ty DESCRIPTION 3703E 3 ISOLATED ANALOG INPUT MODULE 8305A 11 POWER SUPPLY MODULE EXPANSION 120VAC/DC TMR 3805E 3 Enhanced Analog Output AO PLC Module 3601E 20 115VAC DIGITAL OUTPUT MODULE 3501E 11 MODULE DIGITAL INPUT EDI 115VAC/DC 32PTS OPTP ISOL 3700 10 INPUT MODULE ANALOG 0-5VDC 32PT TMR DIFF DC CPLED 2852 1 OUTPUT MODULE ANALOG 2651 10 MODULE ASSY #3000107-150 115V 2551 8 2750 6 INTERFACE MODULE 2CONNECTOR 5/10V Item number: 220234508405 3003 3 4107 2 EICM 8300 2 POWER MODULE MAIN 120VAC/DC TMR 2790 4 3700A 2 INPUT MODULE ANALOG 0-5VDC 32PT TMR DIFF DC CPLED ________________________________________ TRICONEX PART NUMBER 8101 3005 Q"ty: 1 3601E Q"ty: 20 3501E Q"ty: 11
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电子后视镜陕汽Q/SQ 102084可靠性测试-专注汽车零部件DVP试验