
    空压机压力:0.6-1.0Mpa    氮气流量:3-3000Nm3/h  氮气纯度:90%-99.9995% 
    氮气出口压力:0.2-0.85Mpa   原料:洁净压缩空气   
    详细技术环节,请拨打我公司24小时服务热线咨询:  86-(0)或者请我公司相关人员现场交流或者由销售内勤寄发详细相关资料。
    RIDE RDN Nitrogen Generator
    1,Working Principle
    PSA (the PSA) is a new gas separation technology, its principle is the use of gas molecules of different molecular sieve "Absorption" of the differences in performance will be separated from gas mixtures. It is based on the air as raw materials, using a high-performance, high on the selection of solid nitrogen and oxygen adsorbent selective adsorption performance of the air out of nitrogen and oxygen separation. Carbon molecular sieve nitrogen and oxygen on the role of the separation is based mainly on these two gases at the surface of carbon molecular sieve different proliferation rate, the smaller the diameter of the gas (oxygen) the proliferation of faster, more solid phase into the zeolite. This gas can be nitrogen-rich ingredients. Period of time, the molecular sieve adsorption of oxygen balance, in accordance with carbon molecular sieve pressure in different gases on the adsorption of different adsorption characteristics of carbon molecular sieve to reduce stress so that the lifting of the oxygen adsorption, the process is called regeneration. PSA the two towers used in parallel, alternating compression and decompression of renewable Absorption to obtain a continuous flow of nitrogen.
    2,Technical target
    1.   Compressed Air Pressure: 0.6—1.0Mpa     2.  Yield: 3--3000Nm3/h   3.  Purity: 90%--99.9995%
    4.  Nitrogen outlet pressure: 0.2—0.85Mpa      5.  Dewpoint≤-45℃       6,Consumption: Nm3/min
    Detailed technical aspects, please call our company 24-hour service hotline :86 - (0) 15,6or asked me to the company related to the exchange of personnel on-site or by selling back-office to send more relevant information.

    北京意达打孔开门公司专注于工程打孔 拆除加固 开门开窗等

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公司名: 北京意达打孔开门公司

联系人: 徐殿永

手 机: 13681223155

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