
    Jahnel-Kestermann Getriebewerke is one of the foremost manufacturers and developer of high-performance gears in the world for all industrial applications. JaKe's drive equipment is used by energy producers, in the sugar and chocolate industry and in maritime applications. It was founded in Bochum, Germany in 1910. Its hallmark is constructive intelligence, a high standard of production and quality assurance and precision product craftsmanship. Its corporate philosophy is driven by the motivation of offering customers the best solutions to their individual needs. It puts customer service at the top of its agenda to guarantee that JaKe's gears can be used trouble-free at any time and anyplace and downtimes are avoided. One particular strength of JaKe is the fact that it is driven by a passion for innovation. This is witnessed by its exhaustive business relations with the scientific community and its uncompromising investment policy on track for the future. That's why it's regularly registering new developments for patents. 
    Rolling mills depend on robust, low-noise gears with high reliability and a long service life. Not only gearings and bearings, but also gearbox cases designed for rolling mills have to absorb great impact and axial forces from joint spindles. Our special programme focuses on warm and cold rolling mill gears such as comb rolling gears, reel gears and reciprocating rolling mills and high-speed wire blocks and aluminium foil rolling mills. Technical Features double spiral geared pinion rollers forged from one piece frequent use of K-gearing together with large modules rolling bearings with a calculated service life in excess of 50,000 operating hours also designs with friction bearings test certificate as per EN 10204 high gearing qualities (to 5) a€“ especially important with high circumferential speeds and noise reductions pinion roller and reel switching gears with built-in centrifugal force guard for various rolling speeds special seals for drive shafts and driven shafts


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    欧姆龙触摸屏NT631C-ST141B-EV2解密选这家 没有发生位置改变,原因:造成此现象产生的原因很多,1.电源线松了/坏了2.主板出现问题3.触摸屏硬件损坏哦4.触摸控制卡发生故障5.触摸屏驱动不匹配6.校正错误解决方法:步:观察触摸屏信号指示灯,该灯在正常情况下为有规律的闪烁。触摸屏白屏维修、花屏、蓝屏、死机、反复重启、屏幕无显示、触摸屏触摸无反应维修、屏幕损坏、主板烧坏、进入不了系统、触

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公司名: 常州凌肯自动化科技有限公司

联系人: 吴工

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手 机: 13961122002

微 信: 13961122002

地 址: 江苏常州常州经济开发区潞城街道政大路1号

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网 址: czlingken.b2b168.com


公司名: 常州凌肯自动化科技有限公司

联系人: 吴工

手 机: 13961122002

电 话:

地 址: 江苏常州常州经济开发区潞城街道政大路1号

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网 址: czlingken.b2b168.com

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