现正式安排展位!喜报! 中国国际电子商务博览会荣获 “中国较具影响力品牌展会”称号!

    产品名称:  marsh bellofram过滤调压阀51 
    规格/型号:  51 
    产品分类:  调压阀  了解此分类  
    产品品牌:  marsh bellofram  了解此品牌  
    发布时间:  2010-9-2 13:50:28  
    点击次数:  125  
    产品文档:  点击下载  
    上一个产品:  marsh bellofram过滤调压阀T-51FR  
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    相关搜索:  marsh bellofram    51      
    产品描述  marsh bellofram过滤调压阀51  
    marsh bellofram 过滤调压阀
    Type 51 Regulators 
    Type 51 Regulators  
    Excellent regulation, stability and repeatability 
    Corrosion-resistant construction 
    (no brass components, Type 51FR & Type 51AFR) 
    NACE Constructed (Type 51FRCT Corrosive Tec) 
    Wide Temperature Range model designed to work between -40o and +185o F (T51FRWT) 
    Fluorocarbon pintle seat (Type 51FR, Type 51AFR & Type 51FRCT) 
    Auto drain option (Type 51AFR) 
    Low Droop 
    Small package size 
    Panel, bracket or pipe mounting 
    Product Detail:  
    The Bellofram Type 51 Precision Air Regulator series offers a high-performance regulator in a compact, low cost package. It operates in output pressure ranges up to 100 psig / 6.9 BAR (120 psig / 8.3 BAR in T-51FR Corrosive Tec & T51FRWT), with a maximum supply pressure of 250 psi (17.3 BAR). 
    Materials of construction for standard Type 51 Series Regulators: Diecast aluminum for the body and dripwell; glass-reinforced thermoplastic polyester for the bonnet; acetal resin for the internals; BUNA-N for the diaphragm, gaskets and O-ring, fluorocarbon for the pintle seat, and aluminum for the drain valve (plated steel handle). 
    Materials of construction for Corrosive Tec Type 51FRCT: Aluminum alloy bonnet, body, and filter bowl, 316 stainless steel internals, Inconel alloy range spring, nitrile diaphragm (fluorocarbon optional), 316 stainless steel valve assembly, and finished with an epoxy paint. All metallic parts for this unit conform to NACE material requirements #MR-01-75. 
    These regulators are available standard (Type 51R) or as filter-regulators (Type 51FR, Type 51FRCT & Type 51FRWT) and are even available with an automatic drain, for automated flushing out of contaminants (Type 51 AFR). These versatile regulators provide excellent regulation for a wide range of applications, including pneumatic instruments, controllers, chucks, and actuators. They can be through-panel mounted with the supplied mounting nut, bracket-mounted with the optional bracket or, due to their light weight, mounted by their ports. The Corrosive Tec is supplied with a tapped bonnet vent, to allow for the capture of exhaust air. 
    Part Numbers:  
     详细信息:  marsh bellofram过滤调压阀51 昆山恩欧凯自动化设备有限公司


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公司名: 义乌市翔达展览服务有限公司

联系人: 吴泽良

手 机: 13588675124

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地 址: 浙江金华义乌市浙江省义乌市工人北路689外贸大厦5楼

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