本公司供应原装进口Zyklomat Dipl.-Ing. Erich Fetzer GmbH & Co.KG 泵,欢迎来电咨询! Company history Dipl.-Ing. Erich Fetzer GmbH was founded in the 1950's by Erich Fetzer. As early as the 1960's the planning of first filtration plants for cooling lubricant processing was begun. In the first few years customers already included many renowned major companies, which appreciate the quality, performance and reliability of the products with the "ZYKLOMAT" brand name up until today. In 1983 Jürgen Wagner, who had already been with the company as an executive employee for 14 years at that time, assumed all shares in the company. In 1987 the company moved into a new building at the current location in Mühlwiesenstra?e. This made it possible to meet the constantly increasing demand of our customers for less expensive, higher-quality plants. The expansion already made it necessary to double the production area in 1991. This created the conditions for manufacturing even more complex central systems. Since the takeover by Jürgen Wagner, the company has been gradually restructured from what was once a classical engineering office to an industrial production company. Today Dipl.-Ing. Erich Fetzer GmbH offers 30 employees a secure job at the edge of the Swabian Jura region of Germany.
食堂承包方式1、贵公司提供现有的厨房、厨具、住宿、水、电、(水电、燃料可面议),其它费用由我方承担2、我方派专业厨房工作人员到贵公司直接服务,接受贵公司监督。3、我方拥有多样化的一周菜谱和多种伙食标准供贵公司选择。4、我方先垫付贵公司员工的伙食费,定期同贵公司结算。 服务项目1、食堂全面管理服务:提供全承包、半承包、合作管理等形式的服务。2、中小工厂送餐服务:对没有食堂设施的工厂按要求配
龙华肉食配送价格 肉食配送作为一种便捷而的服务模式,旨在为机关单位、工厂、学校、公司、酒店等场所提供新鲜、高质量的肉类产品。在市场竞争激烈的环境下,选择一家信誉良好、专业可靠的肉食配送公司显得尤为重要。作为行业内的良好者之一,东莞市惠企膳食管理服务有限公司一直致力于为客户提供优质、安全、快捷的肉食配送服务。而龙华肉食配送价格也备受客户关注。 在选择肉食配送服务时,客户不仅关心肉类产品的品质和安全,
公司名: 东莞市惠企膳食管理服务有限公司
联系人: 郑先生
电 话: 13712783598
手 机: 13712783598
微 信: 13712783598
地 址: 广东东莞东莞市长安镇上沙社区沙湾街4号
邮 编:
网 址: huiqi168.b2b168.com
公司名: 东莞市惠企膳食管理服务有限公司
联系人: 郑先生
手 机: 13712783598
电 话: 13712783598
地 址: 广东东莞东莞市长安镇上沙社区沙湾街4号
邮 编:
网 址: huiqi168.b2b168.com