回收/收购 86120A 86120B 波长计 86120C 波长计:86120A/B /C 816122A AQ6140 TQ8325 WA-1100 WA-1500 WA-7100 WA-7600 FTB5320 商品简介:multi-wavelength meters are Michelson interferometer-based instruments that measure wavelength and optical power of laser light over a specified wavelength range. Simultaneous measurements of multiple laser lines are performed allowing measurements of DWDM **s and multiple lines of Fabry-Perot lasers. 详细描述 Agilent multi-wavelength meters are Michelson interferometer-based instruments that measure wavelength and optical power of laser light over a specified wavelength range. Simultaneous measurements of multiple laser lines are performed allowing measurements of DWDM **s and multiple lines of Fabry-Perot lasers. Each laser line is assumed to have a linewidth (including modulation sidebands) of less than: 10 GHz for the 86120B 5 GHz for the 86120C and 2.5GHz for the 86122A This technical specifications sheet describes the measurement accuracy and operating conditions of the Agilent 86120B, 86120C and 86122A Multi-Wavelength Meters. The specifications apply to all functions over the temperature range of 0 to 55 ℃ and relative humidity <95% (unless otherwise noted). All specifications apply after the instrument's temperature has been stabilized after 15 minutes continuous operation. and when the instruments is in NORMAL UPDATE mode (86120B and 86120C). 备注:本公司从事二手仪器回收已有多年。并在东莞,深圳,上海,天津,苏州二手仪器行业中享有美评,我们提供长提上门回收二手仪器, 现金回收各类二手仪器,高价回收二手仪器,长期以诚为本,以客户尊为你解决手中的二手仪器,让您的资金快速回笼。 长期现金收购/回收:网络分析仪、无线综合测试仪、频谱分析仪、视频音频分析仪、蓝牙测试仪、视频图象信号源、 LCR测试仪、高低频信号源、示波器、万用表、手机程控电源、直流电源、电子负载、频率计、GPIB卡,PCI-GPIB,GPIB-USB-B等 二手仪器出售/维修/收购。
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2022年广州美博会2022年3月春季广州美博会时间:2022年3月10-12日2022年9月秋季广州美博会时间:2022年9月4-6日主办单位:广州佳美展览有限公司展馆名称:广州.**A,B,C区 (广州琶洲国际会展中心)国内现象级美容化妆品专业展览会较高单届参观人次:**967300人次DOMESTIC PHENOMENAL BEAUTY AND COSMETICS PROFES
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地 址: 上海青浦徐泾虹桥国家会展中心
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