As one of the larest and oldest exhibition platforms in China, officiallyapproved to be upraded to "China (Shanhai) International Beauty Expo"in 2018, fully radiatin domestically and internationally, CIBE ShanhaiHonqiao Beauty Expo focuses on developin the market in East China, and dedicated to r esource sharin and cross-border innovation in all sectors of the entire industrial chain.
展后概况Post-exhibition overview
展馆规模 4大主题展馆全产业链
Exhibition hall scale: the whole industrial chain of four major theme exhibition halls
展览面积 Exhibition area:
230000平方米 230,000 square meters
展商数量 Number of exhibitors:
2300+品牌企业 more than 2300 brand enterprises
特备活动 Special events:30+场 more than 30
观展人次 The number of visitors: 同比增长30% increased by 30% year-on-year
院线及配套服务、美发、美甲美睫纹绣及配套 轻奢时尚品、院线仪器展区、院线进口品及国际展团展区、大医美展区、大健康、养生、OEM/ODM、包材、原料展区、机械设备展区、展区、日化进口品及国际展区、日化地区展团 个人护理品、、洗护产品、孕婴童产品、腔护理、实体、电商、跨境电商展区
汇聚了诺斯贝尔、辣妈学院、LOBAL VICYORIA、XPΛNDΛ O、膨胀青年、逛享**、智蜂等
Brinin toether more than 10 trendy enterprises such as NBC, Super Mom Collee, LOBAL VICYORIA, XPNDO, Shin Youth, Shoppin around the World, IBees and more than 30 cuttin-ede brands, it concentrated on displayin the top-stream cuttin-ede brands in the market in various forms such as live streamin room, DEMO room, brand exhibition area, K-B-C R&D center, etc., allowin the audience to play in the whole exhibition ar ea in the way of "role substitution"
atherin well-known brands in the circle, such as REUZEL Zhuzuo, TWOFACE, IMPASse, hair fax, YUARE, etc., it adoptedthe new concept of K2B2M, invited dozens of well-known domes tic and international brand owner-principals and barbers to the scene, and displayed the cur rent barber culture and expanded market opportunities by means of barber competition, tutor open class, Flash Mob shop and independent brand interactive display.
Launched the "Expo olden Scissor Award CBC Asia Pacific Hairstyle Color 2021 Trend Release" series of trend show,which was fashionable, cool, shockin and forward-lookin, showin the matchin of popular hairstyles and clothin throuhout the year.
Lianchen Beauty industry and medical rehabilitation, it has further absorbed hih-quality resources, extended the section,and showed the audience the lon in for healthy beauty, facial beauty, physical beauty and estation beauty in amulti-dimensional life cycle.
院线及配套服务、美发、美甲美睫纹绣及配套 轻奢时尚品、院线仪器展区、院线进口品及国际展团展区、大医美展区、大健康、养生、OEM/ODM、包材、原料展区、机械设备展区、wei商展区、日化进口品及国际展区、日化地区展团 个人护理品、、洗护产品、孕婴童产品、腔护理、实体wei商、电商、跨境电商展区
2024年广州美容化妆品美博会-2024广州美博会春季展时间:2024年3月10-12日秋季展时间:2024年9月主办方:广州佳美展览有限公司面积:30万平方米地址:广东省广州市海珠区阅江中路380号展馆名称:广州.A,B,区 (广州琶洲国际会展中心) 2024年春季广州美博会将于3月在广州琶洲国际会展中心再次隆重召开,届时欢迎美业同仁共同参与本
2024年3月份广州美容展-2024年春季广州美博会时间、地点2024年*63届中国(广州)国际美博会2024年3月10-12日春季展2024年9月秋季广州美博会广州 琶洲 展馆360度*展示数千品牌及热门产品A设A、B两大展区,20万+㎡展览展示面积,精心规划细分品类特色展区。中国美博会创立于1989年,沉淀33年美业全产业链资源,美业大型人货场聚集地,是一个有中国人自主创办的民族品牌诞生的
公司名: 上海首美展览有限公司
联系人: 李
电 话: 15000025450
手 机: 15000025450
微 信: 15000025450
地 址: 上海青浦徐泾虹桥国家会展中心
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