
    德国RESY环保回收再生系统标志(Recycle System) 1991年7月2日,由德国瓦楞纸工业总会、包装及瓦楞纸联盟及贵重原料再生公司联盟共同决议,建立再生系统回收制度,创设在生系统公司(RESY Gmbh),并于1991年12月1日开始提供销售业界一套以回收及再生纸类、瓦楞纸类等的运输包装及二次包装废弃物废弃物的再生系统,称为「RESY」(Recycle System)回收系统。 再生系统公司(RESYGmbH)为RESY标志所有人,得授权国内外,以纸类、硬纸板类制造运输包装及二次包装的厂商,及销售此包装的厂商(即:标志使用人)使用此标志。
    Preamble To assist in implementing the government's objectives of preventing and reducing incidences of waste, RESY OfW GmbH organizes the disposal and recycling of shipping containers and packings made of paper or cardboard. All containers and packagings encompassed under this system bear the "RESY" symbol. RESY OfW GmbH is the owner of the "RESY" symbol and grants domestic and foreign manufacturers and suppliers ("contracting parties") rights to use this symbol on shipping containers and packagings made of paper or cardboard. The contracting party is interested in having its shipping containers and packagings made of paper or cardboard included under the RESY system, and therefore intends to obtain contractual rights to use the "RESY" symbol. Any shipping containers and packagings made of paper or cardboard lacking the "RESY" symbol shall not be disposed of, or recycled by RESY member companies. Through affixing their signatures hereunder, the parties agree to the following terms and conditions respecting rights of usage of the "RESY" symbol:
    1. Rights of Usage The contracting party is herewith granted the right to use the "RESY" symbol on its shipping containers/packagings made of paper or cardboard. This agreement provides that the contracting party's shipping containers/packagings made of paper or cardboard bearing the "RESY" symbol shall be included under the RESY disposal system. The contracting party shall be entitled to apply for rights of usage of the "RESY" symbol on behalf of third parties. Those shipping containers/packagings made of paper or cardboard qualified to bear the "RESY" symbol are defined to be recycable containers or packagings fabricated of either:
    corrugated board cardboard other types of paper packaging materials specified here: 2. Employment of the "RESY" Symbol The "RESY" symbol shall be conspicuously placed on all containers and packagings. Recommended minimum symbol diameter is 60 mm. Padding and internal partitions etc. made of paper or cardboard need not bear the symbol. The "RESY" symbol shall be used exclusively in combination with manufacturer's/importer's identification number. Said number shall be assigned by RESY OfW GmbH.
    例如:德国废弃物回收体系的RESY GmbH的RBSY认证标记。RESY认证标记的编号为3812和4108,表示可以在发往德国的货物包装上进行印刷并能够进行回收。


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    德国RESY环保回收再生系统标志(Recycle System) 1991年7月2日,由德国瓦楞纸工业总会、包装及瓦楞纸联盟及贵重原料再生公司联盟共同决议,建立再生系统回收制度,创设在生系统公司(RESY Gmbh),并于1991年12月1日开始提供销售业界一套以回收及再生纸类、瓦楞纸类等的运输包装及二次包装废弃物废弃物的再生系统,称为「RESY」(Recycle System)回收系统。 再生系

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    公司名: 东莞市新动力企业管理咨询有限公司

    联系人: 庞先生

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