The process you follow depends on the directives that apply to your product.
There are more than 20 directives setting out the product categories requiring CE marking. The essential requirements that products have to fulfil, for example safety, are created at EU level and are set out in general terms in these directives. Harmonised European standards are issued with reference to the applied directives and express the essential safety requirements in detailed technical terms.
It is up to you to ensure that your product complies with the essential requirements of the relevant EU legislation. The use of harmonised standards remains voluntary. You may decide to choose other ways to fulfil these essential requirements. If you don’t follow the safety requirements of a standard as it is written you will need to show that your product is as safe, by presenting the relevant documentation.
Each directive covering your product specifies whether an authorised third party (Notified Body) must be involved in the conformity assessment procedure necessary for CE marking. This is not obligatory for all products, so it is important to check whether the involvement of a Notified Body is required. These bodies are authorised by national authorities and officially ‘notified’ to the European Commission and listed on the NANDO (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations) database.
UK conformity assessment bodies can no longer carry out mandatory conformity assessment for products being placed on the EU market.
If you manufacture a product it is your responsibility to test the product and check its conformity to the EU legislation (conformity assessment procedure). One part of the procedure is, as a general rule, a risk assessment. By applying the relevant harmonised European standards, you will be able to fulfil the essential legislative requirements of the directives.
If you manufacture a product you need to establish the technical documentation required by the directive(s) for the assessment of the product’s conformity to the relevant requirements, and for the risk assessment. You must be able to present the technical documentation and EC DoC to the relevant national authorities, if requested.
The CE marking must be placed on the product by the manufacturer, or by his authorised representative within the EEA or Turkey. It must be placed according to its legal format to the product or its data plate. It must be visible, legible and impossible to remove. If a Notified Body was involved in the production control phase, its identification number must also be displayed. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to draw up and sign an ‘EC DoC’ proving that the product meets the requirements. That’s it, your CE-marked product is ready for the market.
一、什么是MDSAP认证?MDSAP是Medical Device Single Audit Program的英文首字母缩写,翻译成中文习惯叫做“医疗器械单一审核程序”,MDSAP认证项目是美国(FDA)、澳大利亚(TGA)、巴西(ANVISA)、加拿大(HC)、日本(MHLW)五国的监管机构认可并加入的一套新的审核程序。该程序旨在建立一套单一审核的过程,满足并统一上述国家的审核要求,使审核更加全
英国药品和医疗保健产品监管局(MHRA)是负责医疗器械和药品法规的机构。该机构成立于2003年,总部位于伦敦。MHRA的结构包括三个主要中心:MHRA法规、临床实践研究数据链接和国立生物标准与控制研究所。 一、医疗器械分类:英国使用与欧盟国家相同的基于风险的医疗器械分类系统。根据该系统,医疗器械分为四类:I类、IIa类、IIb类和III类。I类医疗器械的风险最低,而III类医疗器械的风险
为什么选择专业咨询公司进行FDA医疗器械企业注册和上市?在医疗器械行业中,要想成功注册和上市,选择一家专业的咨询公司是至关重要的。本文将详细介绍为什么选择角宿团队进行FDA医疗器械企业注册和上市,并列举了几个重要的原因。1. 有竞争力的费用:角宿团队提供有竞争力的费用,确保您能够以更低的成本获得专业的咨询服务。他们理解企业的需求,并根据实际情况制定合理的价格,帮助您节省开支。2. 快速处理:角宿团
卫生棉条是女性生理期的必需品,在美国,卫生棉条一般被视为第二类医疗器械,需要通过一系列的注册和审批程序才能推向市场。对于卫生棉条企业来说,这些程序可能会让您感到困惑和无从下手。本文将帮助您了解并顺利完成卫生棉条产品的注册和审批流程。 第一步:了解相关法规和标准在开始注册和审批之前,了解美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)对卫生棉条的法规和标准是至关重要的。您可以访问FDA的官方网站,查找相关
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