南通拜尔塑料制品有限公司是一家集开发与加工各类塑料制品于一体的企业。产品涵盖生活类,文体类及工业类制品,主要销往日本,欧美及东南亚地区。 本公司拥有先进的电脑注塑设备及辅助设施,较大注塑能力为4000g。凭借30多年的塑料制品生产经验及对生产流程严格控制的综合优势,拜尔公司已成为塑料制品行业中的*。 “天道酬勤,商道酬信”是企业的生存宗旨,“锐意**,多元共赢”是企业的生存理念。让我们以*的信誉,*的产品,*的服务,合理的价格与您共创美好的未来。欢迎各界朋友莅临南通拜尔塑料制品有限公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。 Nantong Baier Plastic Products Co.,Ltd is a company specialized in developing and manufacturing plastic products of all kinds. Our enterprise has the capacity to produce products in the field of articles for daily use, the stationery and sporting goods as well as industrial items which are mainly exported to such countries and regions as Japan, Europe and USA and South East Asia. Our advanced automatic computer-controlled injection molding machines and a great many other supplementary devices plus our more than 20 years experience in producing plastic items and strict making process enable us to take a leading position in the competition. For many years, our products have won favorable praises from customers at home and abroad. We believe in enterprise principle “Strenuousness makes good achievement; Honesty makes good business. "; In addition, acting on the survival philosophy and methods of “Creative spirits and multi-prosperity with customers ";, our company with trust that puts customers first is sure to satisfy your demands with supreme quality and reasonable price. Opening-up Baier warmly welcomes customers at home and abroad to join us and cooperate with us. Let’s step into a brilliant future together.
欢迎来到南通拜尔塑料制品有限公司网站, 具体地址是
- 公司地址:
- 江苏省 南通 崇川区 江苏南通市崇川区江苏省南通市工农...
- 固定电话:
- 0513-85660812
- 联系人:
- 王健先生(经理)
- 移动电话:
- 13776922226
- 邮政编码:
- 226001
- 传真号码:
企业经济性质 |
有限责任公司 |
法人代表或负责人 |
企业类型 |
生产加工 |
公司注册地 |
注册资金 |
成立时间 |
2004 |
员工人数 |
月产量 |
年营业额 |
年出口额 |
管理体系认证 |
主要经营地点 |
主要客户 |
厂房面积 |
是否提供OEM代加工 |
否 |
开户银行 |
银行帐号 |
主要市场 |
主营产品或服务 |
衣架用海绵套 |
企业名称 |
南通拜尔塑料制品有限公司 |
工商注册号 |
320600000085615 |
登记状态 |
在业 |
住所 |
南通市港闸区秦灶街道秦北村九组 |
类型 |
有限责任公司 |
法定代表人 |
吴幼如 |
注册资本 |
50万元人民币 |
成立日期 |
2004-07-07 |
营业期限自 |
2004-07-07 |
营业期限至 |
2024-07-06 |
登记机关 |
南通市港闸区市场监督* |
核准日期 |
2013-12-13 |
经营范围 |
塑料制品生产、加工(涉及地区专项审批规定的按专项规定执行)、销售;染料、装璜材料、服装辅料、工艺礼品销售。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) |
- 吴幼如 任 执行董事兼总经理 职务
- 王健 任 监事 职务