Please contact us for latest models and price. About Nanjing Hengyuan Apparel Co., Ltd. We"re an expert manufacturer and trading company, mainly engaged in producing hats, scarves, gloves,socks and other accessories. Having sourced advanced *ing, embroidery and ironing machinery from Japan, Korea Taiwan, we produce up to 12 million pieces each year. The chief markets for our products are the US, Canada, Europe, South Americal and the Middle East. Our competitive advantages As customer-focused enterprise, we"re well aware of the demand for high quality products and assured, professional service. We"re committed to exceeding the expectations of our customers, and we hope that by promptly delivering superior products at competitive prices we can ensure complete customer satisfaction. We are ever eager to develop long-term, mutually beneficial business relationships with new clients. For more information on our range of products, or to discover the many advantages our customers enjoy, get in touch today.
欢迎来到南京恒才源服饰有限公司网站, 具体地址是
- 公司地址:
- 江苏省 南京 建邺区 江苏南京市建邺区云锦路58号1-...
- 固定电话:
- 0-18651808185
- 联系人:
- 胡其宏先生(部门经.)
- 移动电话:
- 18651808185
- 邮政编码:
- 210000
- 传真号码:
企业经济性质 |
私营合伙企业 |
法人代表或负责人 |
企业类型 |
其他 |
公司注册地 |
注册资金 |
成立时间 |
2005 年 |
员工人数 |
月产量 |
年营业额 |
年出口额 |
管理体系认证 |
主要经营地点 |
主要客户 |
厂房面积 |
是否提供OEM代加工 |
否 |
开户银行 |
银行帐号 |
主要市场 |
主营产品或服务 |
企业名称 |
南京恒才源服饰有限公司 |
统一社会信用代码 |
91320105062640329K |
登记状态 |
在业 |
住所 |
南京市建邺区云锦路58号1幢1226室 |
类型 |
有限责任公司 |
法定代表人 |
胡其宏 |
注册资本 |
50万元人民币 |
成立日期 |
2013-04-09 |
营业期限自 |
2013-04-09 |
营业期限至 |
2033-04-08 |
登记机关 |
南京市建邺区市场监督* |
核准日期 |
2016-03-31 |
经营范围 |
服饰、鞋帽、围巾、手套、饰品的销售;自营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) |
- 胡其宏 任 执行董事 职务
- 孙烟平 任 监事 职务